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Wake up Call to Family of Light

Spiritual Events & Workshops



Our retreat take place at unique venues in Australia and India. They are down-to-earth and well-balanced with a mix of movement and relaxation. Our meals are wholesome, healthy and delicious.

Along with yoga and meditation practices, our retreats are a time to unwind and slow down. Swap stories and share laughs. 


Group Meditation Circles

The power of group meditation is immense. Intentions that are set are amplified. 


United minds are bigger channels through which divine power flows in a mightier way to individual souls.

No dates are set as yet but please register your interest if you would like us to organise another one and be informed when it is happening.


Teenage Empowerment Program

Facilitated by Suzannna Tongurian who has 15 years of experience as a high school English teacher along with qualifications in NLP Coaching, Time Line Therapy®, The Compassion Key® and Hypnosis.

Her program guides the transition from adolescence to adulthood and supports awakening families to exit the education matrix and be empowered to live a conscious and inspired life!

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Chanting Circles

Did you know that your voice is the most healing instrument?

Join us in circle to chant ancient sacred mantras and transcendental sounds that help invoke a state of deep relaxation and quieting of the mind. Listened to with intention.
This method of relaxation is simple yet sublime and has been practiced since time immemorial.
Chanting in circle is the calling, reaching across infinite space, expanding beyond the mind into the realms of the heart. Digging deep within the divine heart and its deepest well to find the hidden treasures and be touched and blessed by divine presence.
Chanting is not religion…. it is all encompassing.
Chanting is an easy way for people from all backgrounds, levels and beliefs to come together for the purpose of experiencing a deep level of freedom from mind chatter and deep love flowing from the heart.
We provide all instruments for anyone who would like to have a go at playing simple repetitive cords whether on harmonium, drum, organ, guitar or bango.
These sessions will include a free heart meditation guided by a senior teacher.
▪️What we ask you to bring:
– an open mind for learning some basic words and open heart for allowing love to flow in and out
– a vegetarian dish to share around
– a donation that you can afford. No one will be turned around.
– herbals tea provides and food will be shared
– your favourite gem or beads to bless it
▪️SESSION BY DONATION (any amount that you can afford . Profit goes to expanding Ashram services. Suggested: $5-$10)
SUITABLE FOR EVERYONE. No experience is required. 
No dates are set as yet but please register your interest if you would like us to organise another one and be informed when it is happening.

Meditation Weekend Workshop

2 day workshop to connect with your heart and the inner wisdom you need to navigate from struggle to thriving.

No dates are set as yet but please register your interest if you would like us to organise another one and be informed when it is happening.


Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming Events at this time.

Unity is strength, division is weakness.

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