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Wake up Call to Family of Light

Welcome to Collective Rising Kathara Healing Centre

Awaken the intelligence
 of your heart.
Rise to your true potential. Claim your sovereignty.

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Ignite the intelligence of your heart Rise to your true potential & sovereignty Awaken your unlimited creative abilities

Heba Nicolaci's book Journey of the Awakening Heart ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

ON SALE $37.77

website special

RRP $45.00

A highly revered spiritual guide book bursting with a tangible loving energy, pregnant with divine messages from the higher self. Are you ready to learn the heart's language and activate your inner and higher vision?

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We Are Unique! Our patent pending formulations are comprised of the highest quality raw materials to deliver safe efective products to you.  Award Winning 2021/2022. Featured in Elle Magazine. Winner of most innovative beauty product. Best packaging winner.

Nature In, Synthetics Out We harness the power of nature to unlock the human body, mind, and spirit’s truest potential. Decalcify the Pineal Gland with Clean Slate.

We strive to make the very best, perfect artisan oil for you. Each batch is made fresh with the whole hemp flower in the traditional way. Always lab tested, always chemical, pesticide, heavy metal free guaranteed, and always containing what it says on the bottle.

We Are Unique! Our patent pending formulations are comprised of the highest quality raw materials to deliver safe efective products to you.  Award Winning 2021/2022. Featured in Elle Magazine. Winner of most innovative beauty product. Best packaging winner.

Nature In, Synthetics Out We harness the power of nature to unlock the human body, mind, and spirit’s truest potential. Decalcify the Pineal Gland with Clean Slate.

We strive to make the very best, perfect artisan oil for you. Each batch is made fresh with the whole hemp flower in the traditional way. Always lab tested, always chemical, pesticide, heavy metal free guaranteed, and always containing what it says on the bottle.

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"A fusion of Heart and Soul"

Collective Rising is an initiative of Matt and Heba Nicolaci, created to support people through their own path of spiritual evolution and personal empowerment. 

Matt and Heba, describe themselves as avid students of the true Guardians of Knowledge teachings and the Emerald Covenant. They are passionate about sharing the ancient teachings and feel pulled to guide humanity through the ascension phase the human collective is currently experiencing. Through Collective Rising they share from the heart, profound healing wisdom, law of one teaching, healing courses and spiritual guidance, extensive research into common law & extraterrestrial life, inter-dimensional warfare, matrix distortions, and true teachings of the kathara grid along with information to assist you to BEcoming sovereign and free from the matrix structure that has humanity enslaved for eons. They offer products, technologies, events and courses designed to elevate your wellbeing.

Matt was initiated into the School of Mystery, Blue Flame Healing Arts and Sciences in 2022. He flows with the rhythm of his own heart when he composes and mixes musical pieces. He is a DJ with a craft for transposing musical pieces in such a way that they take the listener on a deep healing journey, often described as “the most magical journey’. An advocate for sovereignty, Matt offers investigative research into natural law, quantum healing technology and information to awaken the collective. His passion is to deep dive into his ancestral lineage and further explore connections to ancient civilisations as well as share Deep Soulful sound frequencies of knowledge and mysticism, arts, healing modalities and culture. He is particularly fond of the philosophies and Gnostics the ancients have gifted us throughout the ages.

Heba is the author of Journey of the Awakening Heart, an inspiring 5 star rated spiritual guidance book, intuitive healer, experienced yoga teacher, genome therapist and founder of the Eka Earth Yoga Ashram in Mildura in 2016. Heba is a certified 500 hours Yoga Teacher who between 2015 and 2020 had the privilege to travel to India on a yearly basis to study and teach. Her students describe her as intuitive, compassionate, wise and incredibly inspirational. A beloved mentor to many, Heba generously devotes her time to help others walk their own paths to heart illumination and self realisation.  She too was initiated in 2022 into the Mystery School, Blue Flame healing Arts and Sciences, is greatly fond of Gnosticism and true ancient teachings of the founder races, often describing the world today as “lacking depth and substance of the ancients”. She is gifted in many ways and one of her recent offerings that she absolutely loves doing is helping people on their spiritual journey using unique set of tools and ancient techniques like kathara healing to offer true spiritual guidance as well as genome healing and inner child healing courses.

Our Journey and Offerings



Genome healing

Where science and spirituality unite to produce healing and transformation of your DNA, Stem Cells and Telomeres for greater health and vitality.

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Yoga Teacher Training

Offering you high quality yoga training in the traditional methods. Taking you deep into the philosophy and teaching you the correct alignment principles of yoga postures that the majority of schools do not offer.

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Healing Inner Child Course

Learn theory and practice to walk the walk towards becoming the best version of yourself, not someone else. Run over 11 weeks.

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Quote of the day

Let there be spaces in your togetherness,
Let the winds of the heavens dance between 𝒚𝒐𝒖

~ Khalil Gibran, The Prophet
Artwork by Christina Mrozik



Breakfast Congee

Breakfast Congee Used for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Congee is a soupy rice mixture that can be tailored to meet one’s individual needs. Traditionally

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Tribe & Team