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Wake up Call to Family of Light

HEALING your INNER child 11- week intensive course

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20 Taronga St

20 Taronga St

Palmwoods, QLD, Australia, 4555

Have you considered healing past trauma but don’t know where to start. This course doesn’t just scratch the surface, rather takes you deep.

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About this event
1 hour 45 minutes
Mobile eTicket

Healing Inner Child Course Information Sheet

Collective Rising ©

Disclaimer: You do not have permission to copy, edit, share or re-sell any parts of the course. This course is property of Collective Rising.


You are close to changing your life, once and for all!

Who does not want change?

Who wants to remain stuck in the past?

Who wants to remain stuck in a cyclic life of pain and trauma?

Who does not want to heal and grow?

You have enquired because you want all the above! And that’s amazing that you are led here! This course will not disappoint. It’s a promise!

You would have heard this famous quote:

“The first step to healing is recognizing that there’s a wound” This is what we aim to help you discover and much more!

What is this course about?

This course is an 11-week face-to-face course (virtual if you are unable to attend) designed to inspire you to reach spiritual heights so you can be the best version of yourself.

The techniques taught in this course are a combination of modern and ancient tools that utilize the power of consciousness to map out your inner mind/body construct so you may become aware of where energy needs to be directed for the purpose of harmonizing energy vortices.

A transformational 11-week course of intense inner work may be that gift to yourself or a loved one who is committed to healing and self-transformation. You will learn to adopt simple yet profound methods and techniques that enhance your spiritual awareness and aid you on the path of inner transformation and healing of the mind and body, ultimately manifest the life of your dreams.

In this rich program, you will learn how to:

– Become aware of energy blocks within your mind and body

– Navigate your “inner child” memories and past experiences and gain insight into what remains deeply hidden and/or unhealed.

– Acquire tools to enhance relationship with others and self

– Enhance vital energy via energetic vortices

– Utilize yogic techniques to integrate into your life so may reach optimal health and wellbeing.

– Expand and utilize Universal Laws of Energy (ULE)

– Harness tools for spiritual empowerment

– Balance intuition and rational brains, masculine and feminine aspects

– Self-diagnose energetic imbalances and self-heal

– Detoxing methods to clear toxins from the energetic blueprint and body system

– Methods that enhance your body’s vitality and balance for optimal health

– How to manifest abundance and create the life of your dreams

– Develop inner awareness using certain ancient techniques to reach your highest spiritual god-self

How much does this course cost and when is it delivered?

A typical healing session anywhere costs anywhere between $75- $95 for an hour session and most healers do the work for you instead of offering YOU the healing techniques and tips to take home.

This course offers techniques and healing tools (how to) where you can feel cared for and unjudged (safe space) so you are fully equipped in self-healing (empowerment). This is a life-long course rich in high quality authentic knowledge passed down from ancient civilizations and renown universal teachers known for being adepts and experts in the field of mind, body, soul connection. It is aimed to help you find the missing pieces, heal wounds, release traumas and optimize your mind, body, spirit connection, basically, to become the best and fullest version of yourself – IF YOU ARE COMITTED TO THE INNER WORK!


I am offering this course for only $49 per session x 11 weeks = total $539 (that’s nearly 17 hours of intense healing work).

You will be required to pay $239 at time of registration. Remaining $300 can be paid in two $150 instalments (1st by week 3, 2nd by week 6). You will receive a week reminder prior to next instalment. If you pay the whole amount upfront you will receive a $44.00 discount.

What is included:

– A self-healing MANUAL includes worksheets and healing tips.

– An 11-week face to face DELIVERY by Heba, An experienced Teacher, Intuitive & Genome healing facilitator, Spiritual Coach, Yoga and Meditation teacher trainer, School of Mystery initiate, and author of Journey of the Awakening Heart.

– A safe & positive energy charged SPACE to perform the techniques hands-on and full guidance

– Snacks & Herbal teas for every session following the meditation session so they are infused with loving and healing energies.

– An Healy Aura Analysis for each attendee

– Certificate of Attendance (by request) to remind you of the inner work you successfully committed to and completed! This is no small feat.

Course delivery:

Face-to-face delivery (or online if you are unable to make it). Course runs for 11 consecutive weeks beginning on 05.04.2023. Time and day: Wednesdays 5.30pm till 7.10 pm.

If you are miss due to work commitments you can request a recording of the session to watch from home during the week. However, we strongly recommend you attend ALL sessions for optimal results.

How to APPLY

I have been selective in the past in regards to who attends my training courses as I truly love to offer personalized care and high-level knowledge to people who seem fully committed to the inner work, in other words, ready! I say this with a pure intention of love and compassion, as this course can be confronting if the person is not ready to heal. If you are gifting this course to someone else, please ensure they are ready before they enroll.

If you are interested AND READY, please send me an email to collectiverising@protonmail.com and in a few sentences tell me why you wish to enroll in my course, include your full name, email address, mobile phone number and your preferences (online / virtual)

Once you have sent the email we will then send you a confirmation of enrolment. We ask that you pay the first instalment within 5 days from receiving the confirmation as we have limited spots in this course and we do not wish for anyone interested to miss out. You will be sent 3 invoices – an initial, instalment 1, and instalment 2, all state the different payment methods available.

Unsure if this course is for you?

1. Contact Heba for a friendly chat on 0437 640 484 or email collectiverising@protonmail.com with your questions.

2. Visit Facebook reviews page and read what past students have said about Heba’s guidance.

3. Go within yourself and your heart will guide you.

4. Do this quick assessment and find out. (If you answer 7 out of 10 yeses, then this course is for you)

– Do I really want to heal?

– Am I ready to acknowledge the wounds?

– Have I experienced interesting but painful events that I feel ready to transmute?

– Is there something stopping me from reaching my highest potential?

– Do I want to flow with life or hope things will change one day?

– Am I an empath or do I have narcissistic tendencies that I’m ready to acknowledge and face head on?

– Have I been procrastinating all my life, and something tells me I need to do this now?

– Am I committed to self-healing in my mind?

– Does my heart see the signs that steer me in the direction of healing from past pains?

– Do I want to manifest a better life and be master of my mind and body?

Student Reviews

Heba’s knowledge and wisdom is impressive, her teaching is as efficient and effective and her heart is honest and caring as she is a true mentor!

– Megan Hren

I totally recommend this course specifically with Heba because she is a real mentor who truely listens and professionally guides and gently pushes you to develop and challenge yourself because she knows what you can do before you realise it yourself. Many thanks Heba Bless your heart

– Dado Al Ayass

Ma Hari Geet Anand Heba is the real deal – authentic, inspiring and generous. Her approach is intuitive and in tune with her students. I feel so blessed to have connected with Heba and Eka Earth Yoga Ashram, first as a student, and then completing yoga teacher training under Heba’s wise guidance

– Chelsea Todd

All of her classes are packed with basic knowledge for a strong foundation which was the stuff I needed to know. I’ve also attended her philosophy classes which are incredibly filled with amazing information and I can’t wait for the next one

– Hope McBeth

Heba’s on going support (and non stop online availability and advice) shows her commitment as a teacher and as a spreader of light. I am blessed to have found her as my teacher and to have her pure wisdom in my life. Thank you Heba

– Pat McCarthy

Heba is such an inspiring, warm, knowledgeable and passionate individual. I truly feel this experience has/will be life changing, as my mind has opened up to a new level of awareness and understanding

– Tracey Hickmott

Thank you for taking me on such a magical journey. I am blessed to realise the beautiful truth and make peace within myself and all around me .This course helped me found myself and my path. I loved listening to all your knowledge. From this course I made acceptance with my present and made peace with my past. You are an amazing lady and I am blessed you accepted me in doing the course . I highly recommend the spiritual mentorship course.

I wish to see you soon Heba

– Nikeeta Dannatt