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Wake up Call to Family of Light

🌜 Quantum M I N D - NEW BEGINNING🌛

As we approach an upgrade in consciousness and shifting of the ages from age of ignorance and division (now) to Age of Enlightenment and truth…. We are slowly awakening to our QUANTUM MIND.
Awakening to your quantum mind will happen when the view of the world becomes bigger and larger than our limited view of ourselves.
This means….
🪝 We are no longer physically locked info negative thought patterns
🪝 We are no longer affected by the negative thoughts people throw at us.
🪝 We are shifting away from the “I am” to the “we are” mentality and awakening to the alpha-omega, atman, soul.
🪝 We are gaining momentum and knowledge empowering us to act from a place of inner truth rather than outer lies
🪝 We are reverting back to our rawness and originality, soul covenant rather than dream-spell.
🪝 We are gaining an incredible ability to discern right from wrong, truth from untruth.
🪝 Our DNA is being upgraded (if you haven’t taken the shot)
A quantum M I N D operates on a unified consciousness field…. that means we are collectively becoming aware of the greater reality and higher intelligence.
We are not alone!! We are a small tiny speck of dust in this grand infinite creation!
The dark entities are trying to quarantine us (lockdowns) because they are becoming aware that globally and consciously humanity is WAKING up ready to be freed from mental, emotional and physical slavery.
Be glad you are part of the NEW EARTH, the change, the shift is imminent ✨✨
When you move from “ I “ to “we” with sincere love and compassion and when you retreat within, you will become aware of your quantum mind and your extraordinary powers. Volunteers light workers, wayshowers, wanderers are here to guide and assist in the anchoring of love energy on the planet.
Are you ready to let go of old patterns and system of beliefs? Are you ready for the quantum leap ?
With love,
Heba Nicolaci
Gratitude to artist: unknown.

Inspirational wall art for sale:

Think like a queen

Wall art poster – Think like a queen

Poster. Inspirational wall art. Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness.

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