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Wake up Call to Family of Light

Unresolved emotions linked to bodily disease, 3 layers of the soul explained.

Today’s session is a rather interesting one and I thought I would do it sooner rather than later because a lot of people are interested in this topic, I know it comes up in the teacher training workshops and other various spiritual mentorships that I do.

Today’s topic is about the relationship between mind, body and emotions. In yoga studies this is known as the Koshas

Known as koshas, meaning “sheaths” or “layers,” each of us has five bodies,

Starting from the outermost layer and moving through the layers to the core of the self, each body is made up of increasingly subtler degrees of energy: from the physical body, to the energetic body, to the mental body, to the wisdom body, and finally, to the bliss body. These layers are interwoven, interrelated, and interactive—what happens on one level affects all layers of the body.

Kashmas is the layer or sheath. Yoga recognisesd that there are 5 kashnas / bodies that form the Ātman or the soul. one encased by the next, similar to a succession of Russian Matryoshka dolls.

However, unlike a series of Russian dolls, the five bodies cannot be taken apart and separated. These layers are interwoven, interrelated, and interactive—what happens on one level affects all layers of the body.


In this video we talk about 3:

Manomaya Kosha – The Mental, Emotional & Mind body

Pranamaya Kosha – The Prana or Vital Force Body

Annamaya Kosha – The physical body


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