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Wake up Call to Family of Light

Genome Healing

Genome Healing

What is Genome healing ?
The fears and traumas of your ancestors can be held in your organs.
One of the main aspects of our Genome Healing work is to ‘give the organs of the body a voice.’ Why is this so important? Well, as humans, the way we deal with unhappy experiences in life is to hide our emotions and bury our pain.

Childhood trauma, relationship breakups, feelings of let down, abandonment and betrayal become registered within the ‘cellular memory’ of our bodies.

Buried emotions never die and if these repressed emotions are not acknowledged, released and resolved, a breakdown occurs at the cellular level often resulting in depression, ill health and chronic disease.

When the body is allowed to speak, the person gets in touch with this repressed pain and by using our rapid trauma release protocol we are able to release the trauma within minutes. Yes, even a traumatic event held within the body for 50 years or more, only takes a few minutes to resolve.

Organs often reveal how a particular trauma can be traced back to a relative such as mother or great grandfather. I have found that the trauma and fear of not being able to put food on the table, suffering a long term illness or shock due to an accidental death can be passed down energetically through the DNA to ancestors..

This has also been proven through the science of Epigenetics.
The good news is that we can resolve ancestral pain no matter how far it goes back, again within minutes, which not only positively affects the person we are working with but all who are connected to the lineage.

Appointments are limited to a few per week to allow for the healing facilitator to recharge and pursue her spiritual work.

Cost: $110 (approx. 90 mins of deep transformative work)

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Kathara Healing Sessions

KA: Light.  THA: Sound. RA: One

    • It refers to the core structure of morphogenetic fields, which are the holographic templates of sound, light, and scalar waves.
    • These templates serve as the blueprints upon which all matter manifests.
  1. Transcending Limitations:

    • While other holistic healing modalities work with various levels of the morphogenetic field (such as chakras, meridians, and auric fields), Kathara goes deeper.
    • Kathara transcends these limitations by entering the Programming Center of Morphogenetic Core—the Kathara Grid.
    • The Kathara Grid is the causal factor beneath all manifestations of physicality across dimensions and consciousness levels.
  2. Healing and Restoration:

    • The Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System provides direct access to the core basis of dis-ease and its myriad forms.
    • Original core conditions manifest as electro-tonal-scalar programs known as “FIRE LETTERS & GEOMANTIC CODES.”
    • These codes guide the formation and operation of morphogenetic fields, shaping all beings.
    • Kathara enables restoration, revitalization, and regeneration of the natural, divine imprint for health.
  3. Depth of Understanding:

    • Kathara reveals the anatomy of creation, the core structure, and the interconnectedness of all matter forms.
    • It goes beyond existing healing modalities, embracing them while reaching into the depths of the Kathara Grid.
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Sacred Sound Journeys​

Guided meditation journeys are transmuted through sound frequencies to achieve divine healing.

Matt & Heba have their own unique style of fusion of various indigenous sounds, instrumentals and frequencies to bring you an experience like no other.

You will leave the session rested, rejuvenated, refreshed and even captivated and healed. 

The singing bowls, shamanic drum and guided words add another twist to the experience sure to delight your senses and awaken you to the truth within. Many who have attended these sessions have left utterly delighted and awakened to their own inner tune.

To book, send us an enquiry below. Alternatively visit our Facebook events page. We can book you in for a private SSJ if you are a local or traveling group. 

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Guided Meditation Sessions​

Through meditation, you reprogram yourself to respond and not react in situations. You will also learn to remove negativity and experience joy and bliss.

Through meditation you can learn to respond and not react in situations. As well as remove negativity and experience joy and bliss.

Meditation is scientifically proven to enhance empathy and compassion. Further, regular meditation improves the brain’s problem-solving and decision making strategies, which can bring a desirable shift in our professional and personal life.

Meditation is a natural stress buster! Brain studies have shown regular meditation tones the nervous system and lower cortisol in the brain which helps in deepening the meditators insight and emotional resilience.

Our meditation sessions are highly regarded by spiritual evolutionists who want to upgrade their DNA and reach higher states of awareness and consciousness. 



Online Memberships for our Youtube follower

Receive support and guidance to let go of fears and other limitations so you can step into your true potential.

Your mentor will help you discover what is holding you back and guide you to remove energetic blockages. You will learn about the physical, mental and spiritual body and how to use your consciousness to direct life force.

You will learn how about your template in group sessions, have the opportunity to ask questions and interact with your mentor, breathwork and physical therapy as well as attend lives and learn trauma-releasing techniques, childhood trauma, victimhood programming, mother/father wound, restoration of the divine masculine and feminine and much more. The membership can be temporary or ongoing and it multi-tiered to suit your requirements. 

To express interest please submit your details below.

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It is always you. You are the library where you should lose yourself. The book you should read. The language you should learn. The place you should voyage. The discovery you should make. All the worlds wonder is a song. The notes and the singer are you~Jaiya John

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